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About Microsoft Copilot
(Session Recording)

Learn about Microsoft AI (Artificial Intelligence) companion with Steven Osprey, one of our Microsoft Gurus.

This is a recording of the session delivered on Friday 02nd February 2024
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Sessions Details

In this 30 minute session we will explore:
  • What is Copilot?
  • What can it do?
  • Where can I access it?
  • How do I use it?
Meet the instructor

Steven Osprey

Commercial Director (previously Director of Microsoft Solutions)

Essentially it’s my job to:
1) Ensure the Microsoft and complimenting technologies we have on stack are best in class to deliver success for our customers
2) Lead and enable our teams in understanding requirements for delivering that success
3) Lead and enable our teams in proposing compelling solutions that deliver maximum value for the long term
Patrick Jones - Course author