TSG Tech Leadership Programme

TECH LEADERSHIP - "the person in the organisation responsible for the direction of and day to day delivery of all things IT"

The Programme

A series of 60 minute sessions, delivered bi-monthly, over Teams, focusing on subjects to benefit you, your organisation and end users.

AI - Safe Usage, Practice, Policy and Procedure - advice and guidance

Delivered 26th November 2024.

In this session our Cyber Team discuss the things to be aware of regarding implementation, governance and end user guidance for the safe use of AI day to day

Digital Transformation - change, modern workplace and your people

Delivered 28th January 2025

How to get the best from your investment in technology, getting people on board with the change and using it most effectively now and in the future.

Risk Management  - what you need to know

We'll be exploring the following:

What we mean by risk
The risks to your organisation
How to mitigate them?

15th April 2025, 11:00

Business Intelligence - Using the Right Data Tools to Best Effect

Timely, accurate and insightful data is critical, and in this session we'll be exploring the 'tools in the box' to allow access to data for those who need it in an accessible and meaningful way.

20th May 2025, 11:00

Disaster Recovery - being prepared if the worst happens

I this session we'll explore some of the common controls to mitigate risk and what we all need to consider to when preparing for the worst.

25th July 2025, 11:00
Tech Leadership Programme courses and content are only available to invited individuals who are in leadership roles responsible for day to day IT operations with TSG customers  - if you think you should have access to this content, please contact us by email at tsg.academy@tsg.com