Join us for our Sage & Pegasus New Feature showcase day!

TSG Sage & Pegasus

Training & Development designed to inform and support the effective use of these two established vendors applications.

Our dedicated Sage & Pegasus courses are here to help you get more from apps you use everyday.

Outstanding content designed and delivered by experts, readily accessible as and when you need it.

Courses designed to provide you with the things you need to know and do to be more effective using their applications.

What will you learn about today?

Sage Courses (these course are only accessible by TSG Sage clients with an existing support contract in place)

Sage 200 Home Page

Introduction to some of the resources accessible from the Sage 200 home page.

Sage 200 Report Designer and Output

Edit report templates, output modes and spooler to view, print or email.

Sage 200 - Accessing Help

How to access help whilst working in the Sage 200 application.

Sage 200 E-Banking Payments

Set up E-Banking payments from Cash Book through to the generation of payment.

Sage Web Portal User Licences (E-Learning)

Check user licences, assign, remove, and re-use them.

Sage courses and content is only available to TSG Sage customers who have a current support contract - if you think you should have access to this content, please contact us by email at

Pegasus Courses(these course are only accessible by TSG Pegasus clients with an existing support contract in place)

Create a new Opera user from an existing one (E-Learning)

How to create a new user in Opera from an existing user profile.

Pegasus XRL Reporting

How to create detailed and summary reports in Opera using Pegasus XRL.

Pegasus XRL Summary and Reference Links (E-Learning)

How to create these links in Microsoft Excel using Pegasus XRL.

Pegasus Opera 3 Sales Views (E-Learning)

Create Sales Views to quickly analyse sales by specific criteria.

Check Users Logged into Opera

How to check who is logged into and currently using Opera.
Pegasus courses and content is only available to TSG Pegasus customers who have a current support contract - if you think you should have access to this content, please contact us by email at